Tuesday, September 21, 2010

loki ( blind contour of my roommate's dog) a Lab mix

My roommate,Tim, has a Lab mix. She's a rescue, but she sure as hell doesn't have any Border Collie in her! (If anyone caught that, thumbs up!) Anyway, I've been working with her in training and discipline because Tim isn't doing a very good job of it and her bad traits are rubbing off on my dog, Soma. It took years of hard work to get Soma as well trained as she is now, but lately, she has been acting like the rules don't apply to her anymore just because Loki is misbehaving. I'll be damned if all that hard work is going to fall by the wayside when it comes to disciplinary action and just plain old loyalty! I have taken it upon myself to train her my way because a simple "Bad girl, Loki!" from Tim isn't making the cut when it comes to training with consistency. Tim is a good artist, but works as a vet tech. Maybe by the time he gets home from work, he's tired of wrestling dogs and is rather lax with Loki. It's not like I am asking him to teach Loki to play the kazoo. Enough ranting...Loki hopped on my bed and I drew her as a blind contour. Well, I had fun. Thanks for reading all of the afore mentioned bullshit.

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